Friday, February 6, 2009

Murphy's Law Always Applies to Moms

Today was going to be the perfect day. Brady was riding the bus home with a friend so I had from 8:30-3:00 all to myself. Heaven! So I wasted time all morning thinking I would have plenty of time to run my errands in the afternoon. I was actually looking forward to shopping for some groceries at Walmart since I would be by myself and wouldn't feel rushed. So of course, as soon as I get there and just start filling my cart, it came...the dreaded call from the nurse's office at the elementary school. Poor Dallin had thrown up (in his classroom...the worst kind of embarrassment!) and I needed to come pick him up. So much for my great day to myself! And please don't let this deter all the company we have coming in the next few weeks, I'm sure it's a 24 hour thing (let's hope).


Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh that just broke my heart! (For Dallin...not you ;)

JasonDebbie said...

I know what you mean. When I had my horrible traveling experience over the summer to CA, the second I was FINALLY going to board the plane, mckenna poops her pants and I have to travel with her having no clothes on the whole day. And then the rental car place doesnt have our car, etc. I am excited for the day when i can have a whole day to myself! Or even just a few hours!

Amy said...

'Hope he's feeling better!

Michelle Burk said...

SORRY! Why can't life be easy? Seriously--where are the money trees? Where are the clocks that allow time to stand still? I'll take Brady on Friday and you can redeam that dreamy day.