Saturday, June 13, 2009

Anne with an E

I've been introducing my girls to the joy that is "Anne of Green Gables" this week. Kenzie has read almost all of the books but we've never watched the movies together. I think they are liking it (even though Mallory keeps referring to them as people from "Ye Olden Days"), but I am loving it. It's been too long, Anne. I have fond memories of the first time we watched the series when they showed it an hour every night on PBS. Melissa and I would stay up late and watch it with my dad that summer in Beaver. Oh, I had such a crush on Gilbert Blythe and his curly hair. When I asked Kenzie if she thought he was cute she just gave me this look like, "Are you crazy?" I'm so glad I get to share these wonderful characters with my girls. How about all of you? Any kindred spirits out there?


Min said...

I'm currently trying to get Aimee to read the "Little House" books, but it's taking her a while since she's not a huge reader.

The plan is to watch Anne sometime this summer. I LOVE those books (and the first 2 movies)!

cbo said...

I LOVE the Anne books and movies--except I don't really like the last movie. I have even persuaded my boys to watch on occasion.

Kimberlee said...
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Kimberlee said...

I was an Anne fanatic!!! And I too loved Gilbert Blythe. Oh the memories, I can't wait till Kenzee and amelia can join me in my reunion with Anne. I still want to go to Prince Edward Island someday

Bon said...

Consider me a kindred spirit! I was just thinking the other day how I wanted to watch them over again. I love them!

brynne frei said...

Watching Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite things to do with my sisters and my Mom! I love it so much. Glad to know that we are kindred spirits :)

Michelle Thurgood said...

I am definitely a kindred spirit. I remember reading the whole series the Summer of '89 in the woods behind our Lander, PA home. I was so in love with Gilbert. I couldn't wait to have Julianna read "Anne of Green Gables" which she did in the 3rd grade but hated it. I was so dissappointed and have tried repeatedly to have her read it again and watch the movie with me but she is so not interested. So sad.