Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to School

Today was the first day of school and while I'm sad to see our fun summer end I was definitely ready for a quiet house again. Everyone came home happy, even little Mallory who faced the big scary high school.
 Mallory: freshman, Kenzie: junior
 Every year I end up with a goofy picture of the boys...that's just who they are. This morning the sun was too bright so this is what I ended up with. Also, notice Dallin in his socks. That's because he left his new tennis shoes (the only pair we could find) in the car Mark took to work. So instead of sending the boys off on the bus we had to race to the clinic to get the shoes out and then get to school just in time. What a way to start the year!
Brady: 3rd grade, Dallin: 5th grade

1 comment:

JasonDebbie said...

OH MY GOSH SHE IS A JUNIOR??!! I cant believe those girls are so old!